Ark Academy seeks to provide a safe christian culture where kids can be empowered to grow academically and spiritually to be all God has created them to be!

Although we are initially a kindergarten only program, our goal is to expand yearly.


We believe in providing an atmosphere where learning is optimal. We value tried-and-true teaching methods that are prescriptive and targeted to the students’ needs. We provide instruction at an age-appropriate level with realistic expectations of mastery and achievement. Children’s academic growth is always paramount.


According to the Bible, we are to be in the world but not of the world. In a culture of compromise and confusion, we will teach and uphold the inherent truth of the Bible. These values and truths are taught systematically and woven into the fabric of all we do.

ABOUT our founder

Marcia Medders is the founder, Dean, and Lead Teacher of Ark Academy, boasting over 25 years of educational expertise across three different states. Her teaching journey has encompassed nurturing students from Pre-K to 5th grade, reflecting her dedication to shaping young minds at various developmental stages. As a certified Reading Specialist in South Carolina, she not only imparted knowledge to her students but also served as a mentor to fellow educators, She also holds a Reading Endorsement from the state of Florida.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Marcia's personal life is marked by a beautiful love story with her high school sweetheart, Kelly Medders. United in marriage since July 1990, they are blessed with two beautiful and talented daughters, Victoria and Kaitlin, and a cherished grandson, Grayson. Together, Marcia and Kelly have woven a tapestry of service and devotion, leading as pastors at Connect Church of Jacksonville, Florida. Their shared mission revolves around seeing that people are connected to, prepared for, and released into their God-given purpose.

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Standards of ethical conduct

Our school values the worth and dignity of every person, the pursuit of Godly truth, and a devotion to academic excellence for all. Our primary concern is the student and the development of the student's potential. Employees will therefore strive for professional growth and will seek to exercise the best professional judgment and integrity.

At Ark Academy we strive to include instructional personnel who are well qualified to deliver quality instruction to your child. We employee instructors that meet one of the following requirements:
  • Bachelor's Degree or higher
  • Three or more years of K-12th grade teaching experience
  • Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K-12th grade subjects (such as certifications, professional development, curriculum training, etc). Pre-K experience and certifications would not meet this requirement. 

Concern for the student requires that our instructional personnel:
  • Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety.
  • Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.
  • Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student's legal rights.
  • Shall not harass or discriminate against any student based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, handicapping condition, or social and family background and shall make reasonable effort to assure that each student is protected from harassment or discrimination.
  • Shall not exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage.
If you feel that an educator has not conducted themselves in the manner listed above, you can report educator misconduct to: Mark Sizemore, 904-661-1962, firstcoastcpa.com

We value the importance of maintaining the respect and confidence of colleagues, of students, of parents, and of the community. Employees of our school must display the highest degree of ethical conduct. This commitment requires that our employees:
  • Shall maintain honest in all professional dealings.
  • Shall not on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background deny to a colleague professional benefits or advantages or participation in any professional organization.
  • Shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political or civil rights and responsibilities.
  • Shall not engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct.
  • Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague.

Training Requirement
All instructional personnel, educational support employees, and administrators are required as a condition of employment to complete training on these standards of ethical conduct.
Reporting Misconduct All instructional personnel, educational support employees, and school administrators have an obligation to report misconduct by instructional personnel, educational support employees and school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student. Examples of misconduct include obscene language, drug and alcohol use, disparaging comments, prejudice or bigotry, sexual innuendo, cheating or testing violations, physical aggression, and accepting or offering favors. Reports of misconduct of employees should be made to Marcia Medders, Dean of Ark Academy. Legally sufficient allegations of misconduct by Florida certified educators will be reported to the Office of Professional Practices Services.
Reporting Child Abuse, Abandonment or Neglect
All employees and agents have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect. Call 1-800- 96-ABUSE or report online at: http://www.dcf.state.fl.us/abuse/report/.
Signs of Physical Abuse: The child may have unexplained bruises, welts, cuts, or other injuries; broken bones; or burns. A child experiencing physical abuse may seem withdrawn or depressed, seem afraid to go home or may run away, shy away from physical contact, be aggressive, or wear inappropriate clothing to hide injuries.
Signs of Sexual Abuse: The child may have torn, stained or bloody underwear, trouble walking or sitting, pain or itching in genital area, or a sexually transmitted disease. A child experiencing sexual abuse may have unusual knowledge of sex or act seductively, fear a particular person, seem withdrawn or depressed, gain or lose weight suddenly, shy away from physical contact, or run away from home.

Signs of Neglect
The child may have unattended medical needs, little or no supervision at home, poor hygiene, or appear underweight. A child experiencing neglect may be frequently tired or hungry, steal food, or appear overly needy for adult attention.

Patterns of Abuse
Serious abuse usually involves a combination of factors. While a single sign may not be significant, a pattern of physical or behavioral signs is a serious indicator and should be reported.

Liability Protection
Any person, official, or institution participating in good faith in any act authorized or required by law, or reporting in good faith any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to the department or any law enforcement agency, shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability which might otherwise result by reason of such action. (F.S. 39.203)

An employer who discloses information about a former or current employee to a prospective employer of the former or current employee upon request of the prospective employer or of the former or current employee is immune from civil liability for such disclosure or its consequences unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that the information disclosed by the former or current employer was knowingly false or violated any civil right of the former or current employee protected under F.S. Chapter 760. (F.S. 768.095)

NOTICE: Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) - A parentally placed private school student with a disability does not have the right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.